Hello! I’m an undergraduate student studying Computer Science and Mathematics.
You can contact me at
m.saifi[floor of 9000 * sin(0.1149π)]
This site
This site is currently under construction! With some luck, it should be finished sometime before the end of the universe.
I try my best to make sure this site is accessible to as many users as possible. It is available in both light and dark colorschemes, depending on your system’s preferences (unfortunately, there is no way to toggle the colorscheme otherwise). If you notice any accessibility issues (with responsiveness, colors, screen-readers, or otherwise), please contact me and I will do my best to fix it.
Web Feed
An atom feed is available at /atom.xml.
The primary typeface used is Crimson Pro. For codeblocks and inline code, I use a custom build of Iosevka.
This website is built using a static site generator (Hakyll), and the CSS stylesheet is handwritten. It is hosted on Cloudflare Pages.